Monday, 15 October 2012

Spreading the Archie News to our School, Community and Local Media

5:35PM Sunday 8th of October 2012- HAC Archibull Team

Sophia and Aimee presenting to our school
It has been recently reported that the fantastic Hills Adventist Archibull team has been very busy spreading the word about the Archibull competition 2012.

“The kids have been very engaged and eager to spread the word to the whole school.” Mr Williams, the teacher in charge for this team told reporters.

The Hills Adventist team have been making weekly announcements in their assembly about joining Archibull, and they have also created a PowerPoint to get the students excited and to encourage them to come along to meetings. After the first week’s announcement there was so much buzz around the school that an Archibull time slot was allocated for every assembly!
“Everybody looks forward to the announcements of the progress and news for Archibull every week, I get asked about 3 times a day on when the next announcement is going to be by many students- it’s pretty much the highlight of their day when the announcement is made.” Sophia Wakeling the student leader of Archibull told reporters.

Our school..

Not only does the team make announcements, they also make sure they advertise with posters and flyers around the school too. The Archie team makes vibrant and colourful posters! The posters include information, including: when Archibull is on, how it’s going and amazing pictures of Missy Moo’s progress.

“When these posters are put up they get massive crowds of people around them gazing at them” said Maryellen, Year 10 a member of the Archibull team.

 These posters are made very often and are sure to have all the information on them!

Missy Moo getting ready for her photo op
Last but not least, the Archie team also enters weekly segments in the Hills Adventist College Newsletters! The newsletters are read by the majority of the school. There is excitement buzzing around the school each day after a newsletter is sent out. These newsletters are also available to the public on the schools website so a lot of members of the community read about the Archibull project every week as well. “The newsletter gets everybody’s attention and surely a lot more people become involved with the project after reading the about the exciting team members.” -Olivia Wakeling, Year 7 a member of the Archibull team.
Another way that the Archibull team has been getting our community involved is by inviting a reporter from Fairfax community Newspapers to come out to our school and do a story on our Archibull team! This is great as many people read the local newspaper and will find this article extremely interesting! To see this article click here


Students carrying Missy - still in her bubble wrap!

To find out more information on HAC’s Archibull Project for 2012: Click Here to visit their amazing blog

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